Thursday, February 6, 2020

enterprise cloud architecture

It's almost a daily event for me to be contacted by headhunters looking for "cloud architects." They usually look for the main technology and cloud providers, but more and more Global 2000 companies are looking for cloud experts to add to their staff.

Those who are enterprise cloud architecture and technology experts will not have much trouble switching to the "cloud architect" because they will have the basis to become someone who can configure public and private cloud computing technology to form commercial solutions. However, this does not necessarily mean that the existing corporate architect can be the cloud architect.

I am not talking about those people who really design the clouds, that is, those who create clustering approaches, use-based account subsystems, etc. Or those you can find walking in the aisles of, or Rackspace. The cloud architect who works for a company and the person who designs the current cloud technology have two very different skills. I think many people are confused about it.

For the corporate architect in the cloud, what is the difference between this role and the traditional corporate architect? Some details, which are best expressed with this formula: Cloud Architect = Enterprise Architect + SOA Architect + Cloud Technologist.

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